Francesco Cavatorta
Professeur titulaire, Faculté des sciences sociales
Département de science politique, Université Laval
1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines, Université Laval,
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Téléphone : 418-656-2131, poste 7091
Télécopieur : 418-656-7861
Livre(s) :
- Francesco Cavatorta. Explaining Arab politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming.
- Alex Baturo, Luca Anceschi and Francesco Cavatorta (eds.). Personalism and Personalistic Regimes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming, 2023.
- Francesco Cavatorta and Valeria Resta (eds.). Handbook on Elections in the Middle East and North Africa. London: Routledge, forthcoming 2023.
- Vincent Durac and Francesco Cavatorta (eds.). Politics and Governance in the Middle East, 2nd edition. Bloomsbury, 2022.
- Ozgun Topak, Merouan Mekouar and Francesco Cavatorta (eds.). New Authoritarian Practices in the Middle East and North Africa. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022.
- (with Lise Storm and Valeria Resta, eds.), Handbook on Political Parties in the Middle East and North Africa, Routledge, 2020.
- (with Fatima El Issawi, eds.), The Unfinished Arab Spring Micro-Dynamics of Revolts between Change and Continuity, Gingko Press/University of Chicago Press, 2020.
- (with Janine Clark, eds.), The methodological and ethical challenges of doing research in the Middle East and North Africa, Oxford University Press, 2018.
- (with Lise Storm, eds.), Political Parties in the Arab world, Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
- (with Pamela Abbott and Andrea Teti) The Arab Uprisings in Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia.
- Social, Political and Economic Transformations. Palgrave, 2018.
- (with Fabio Merone, eds.), Salafism after the Arab Awakening. Contending with people’s power, Hurst & Co., 2017.
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Vincent Durac. Politics and Governance in the Middle East, Palgrave, 2015.
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Luca Ozzano (dir.) Religiously oriented parties and democratization, London: Routledge, 2014.
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Paul Aarts (dir.) Civil society activism in Syria and Iran, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2013.
- Cavatorta, Francesco. State-society relations under authoritarian constraints, London: Routledge, 2012.
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Vincent Durac. Civil Society and Democratisation in the Arab world: the Dynamics of Activism, London: Routledge, 2010.
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Vincent Durac (dir.) The foreign policies of the EU and the US in North Africa. Converging or diverging dynamics?, London: Routledge, 2009.
- Cavatorta, Francesco. The international dimension of the failed Algerian transition. Democracy betrayed?, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2009.
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Frédéric Volpi (dir.) Forgetting Democratization? Recasting power and authority in a plural Muslim world, London: Routledge, 2007.
Article(s) :
Multiparty Coalition Governments in the Arab World: An Introduction
Discover the latest insights into the functioning of multiparty coalition governments in the Arab world in this special issue of the Middle East Law and Governance journal. Co-directed by experts Dr. Hendrik Kraetzschmar from the University of Leeds and Dr. Francesco Cavatorta from Université Laval, the issue features an illuminating introduction co-authored by both directors titled « Multiparty Coalition Governments in the Arab World: An Introduction. », 2023. Click here to access the introduction: https://brill.com/view/journals/melg/aop/article-10.1163-18763375-15030002/article-10.1163-18763375-15030002.xml.
The issue also includes an article co-authored by Dr. Cavatorta and Dr. Kraetzschmar, titled « Multiparty Cabinets and Coalition Governance in the Arab Middle East and North Africa. » Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your knowledge on this important topic! Click here to access the article: https://brill.com/view/journals/melg/aop/article-10.1163-18763375-20231393/article-10.1163-18763375-20231393.xml.
Salafism in the Contemporary Age: Wiktorowicz Revisited
Contemporary Islam journal co-directed by Dr. Francesco Cavatorta from Université Laval and Samir Amghar. The issue features a thought-provoking introduction co-authored by both directors titled « Salafism in the Contemporary Age: Wiktorowicz Revisited. » Follow this link to access the introduction: https://link-springer-com.acces.bibl.ulaval.ca/article/10.1007/s11562-023-00524-x.
- (with Hendrik Kraetzschmar) ‘Multiparty cabinets and coalition governance in the Arab Middle East and North Africa.’ Middle East and Governance, forthcoming 2023.
- (with Janine Clark) ‘Political and social mobilization in the Arab world after the 2011 uprisings.’ Globalizations, 2022. On-line first: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14747731.2021.2012910
- Francesco Cavatorta et Nidhal Mekki (2021) ‘How can we agree on anything in this environment? Tunisian media, transition and elite compromises: a view from Parliament.’ International Journal of Press/Politics, 26 (4): 822-841.
- Paola Rivetti et Francesco Cavatorta (2021) ‘Revolution and counter-revoluton in the Middle East and North Africa. A Global perspective on regional politics and knowledge production’, Partecipazione e Conflitto 14 (2): 511-529.
- Francesco Cavatorta et Stefano Torelli (2021) ‘From victim to hangman? Ennahda, Salafism and the Tunisian Transition’, Religions 12 (2).
- Francesco Cavatorta (2021) ‘Lessons from political transitions in the Arab world: A citizens’ perspective’, Orient 61 (2): 7-15.
- (with Valeria Resta) ‘Beyond quietism: party institutionalization, Salafism and the economy’, Politics & Religion, 2020.
- (with Samir Amghar) ‘Islamism, Islamist parties and economic policy-making in the neo-liberal age’, Politics & Religion, 2020.
- (with Andrea Teti and Pamela Abbott) ‘Do Arabs really want democracy? Evidence from four countries’, Democratization, Vol. 26, no. 4, 2019, pp. 645-665.
- (with Belgacem Tahchi) ‘La politique économique de la résilience autoritaire en Algérie: l’énigme de la diversification économique’, Etudes Internationales, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2019, pp. 7- 38.
- (with Jon Hill) ‘Dimensions of security in the Maghreb’, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 55, no. 2, 2019, pp. 177-181.
- (with Eva Wegner) ‘Revisiting the Islamist-Secular divide: Parties and Voters in the Arab World’, International Political Science Review, vol. 40, no. 4, 2019, pp. 558-575.
- (with Federica Zardo) ‘Friends will be friends? External-domestic interactions in EU-Tunisia and EU-Morocco security cooperation after the uprisings’, International Politics, Vol. 56, no. 5, 2019, pp. 678-696.
- (with Lise Storm and Valeria Resta, eds.), Handbook on Political Parties in the Middle East and North Africa, Routledge, 2020.
- (with Fatima El Issawi, eds.), The Unfinished Arab Spring Micro-Dynamics of Revolts between Change and Continuity, Gingko Press/University of Chicago Press, 2020.
- (with Janine Clark, eds.), The methodological and ethical challenges of doing research in the Middle East and North Africa, Oxford University Press, 2018.
- (with Pietro Marzo) ‘An exceptional context for a debate on international relations? Toward a synthetic approach to the study of the MENA’s international politics’ in Raymond Hinnebusch and Jasmine Gani (eds.) The Routledge Handbook to the Middle East and North African State and States System, London, Routledge, 2019.
- ‘Overcoming Exceptionalism – Party Politics and Voting Behavior in the Middle East and North Africa’ in Larbi Sadiki (ed.) Handbook of Middle East Politics: Interdisciplinary Inscriptions, London, Routledge, 2019.
- (with Pierre-Michel Turcotte) ‘The European Union and Syria: from constructive engagement to marginalization and back?’ in Raymond Hinnebusch and Adham Saouli (eds.) The War for Syria, London, Routledge, 2019.
- (with Pietro Marzo) ‘The demise of the Arab Strongman?’ in Shahram Akbardazeh (ed.) Handbook of the International Relations of the Middle East, London, Routledge 2019.
- (with Alessandra Bonci) ‘The politics of presidential term limits in Tunisia’ in Alex Baturo and Robert Elgie (eds.) The Politics of Presidential Term Limits, Oxford University Press, 2019.
- (with Fabio Merone) ‘Islamist parties and transformation in Tunisia and Morocco’ in Osama Abi-Mershad (ed.) Social Currents in North Africa, Hurst, 2018.
- ‘The Plurality of Tunisian Islamism: between Muslim democrats and Salafism’ in Paola Rivetti and Hendrik Kraetzschmar (eds.), Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention, Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
- (with Paola Rivetti) ‘Algeria’ in Indra Øverland (ed.), Public Brainpower: Civil society and natural resources management, Palgrave, 2018.
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «Morocco: the promise of democracy and reality of authoritarianism», International Spectator. Vol. 51, Num. 1 (2016), pp. 86-98
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «Salafism, liberalism, and democratic learning in Tunisia», The Journal of North African Studies. Vol. 20, Num. 5 (2015), pp.770-783
- Cavatorta, Francesco, Miquel Pellicer et Eva Wegner. «Is there strength in numbers?», Middle East Law and Governance. Vol. 7, Num. 1 (2015), pp.153-168
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Fabio Merone. «Post-Islamism, ideological evolution and ‘la tunisianité’ of the Tunisian Islamist party al-Nahda», Journal of Political Ideologies. Vol. 20, Num. 1 (2015), pp. 27-42
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Marie-Eve Desrosiers. «State-society relations in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia», Orient, Vol. 56, Num. 2 (2015), pp.14-21
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «No democratic change… and yet not authoritarian continuity. The inert-paradigm debate and North Africa after the uprisings», British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. Vol. 42, Num. 1 (2015), pp.135-145
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Paola Rivetti. «EU-MENA relations from the Barcelona Process to the Arab Uprisings: a new research agenda», Journal of European Integration. Vol. 36, Num. 6 (2014), pp.619-625
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «The rise of Salafism after the Arab Spring», Critical Muslim. Vol. 10 (2014), pp.62-73
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Paola Rivetti. «Student activism under authoritarian constraints. The case of Iran», Democratization. Vol. 21, Num. 2 (2014), pp.289-310
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Fabio Merone. «Salafist movement and sheikh-ism in the Tunisian democratic transition», Middle East Law and Governance. Vol. 5, Num. 2 (2013), pp.308-330
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Emanuela Dalmasso. «Democracy, civil liberties and the role of religion after the Arab Awakening. Constitutional reforms in Tunisia and Morocco», Mediterranean Politics. Vol. 25, No. 2 (2013), pp.225-241
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Fabio Merone. «Moderation through exclusion? The journey of the Tunisian Ennahda from fundamentalist to conservative party», Democratization. Vol. 20, Num. 5 (2013), pp.857-875
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Luca Ozzano. «Conclusion: Reassessing the Relation between Religion, Political Actors and Democratization», Democratization. Vol. 20, No. 5 (2013), pp.958-966
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Luca Ozzano. «Introduction: Religiously Oriented Parties and Democratization», Democratization. Vol. 20, Num. 5 (2013), pp.799-806
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Paola Rivetti. «The importance of being civil society: student politics and the reformist movement in Khatami’s Iran», Middle Eastern Studies. Vol.49, Num. 4 (2013), pp.645-660
- Cavatorta, Francesco et John Hogan. «An Examination of Macroeconomic Policy Change in Non-democratic States: Algeria and Jordan in Comparative Perspective», Digest of Middle East Studies. Vol.22, Num. 1 (2013), pp.13-38
- Cavatorta, Francesco, Stefano Torelli et Fabio Merone. «Salafism in Tunisia: challenges and opportunities for democratization», Middle East Policy. Vol. 19, Num. 4 (2012), pp.140-154
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Michelle Pace. «The Arab uprisings in theoretical perspectives», Mediterranean Politics. Vol. 17, Num. 2 (2012), pp.125-138
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Rikke Haugbølle. «The end of authoritarian rule and the mythology of Tunisia under Ben Ali», Mediterranean Politics. Vol. 17, Num. 2 (2012), pp.179-195
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «La reconfiguration des structures de pouvoir en Algérie. Entre le national et l’international», Revue Tiers Monde. Num. 210 (2012), pp.13-29
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Rikke Haugbølle. «Beyond Ghannouchi: Islamism and social change in Tunisia», Middle East Report. Num. 262 (2012), pp.20-25
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «The war on terror and the transformation of Political Islam», Religion Compass. Vol. 6, Num. 3 (2012), pp.185-194
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Rikke Haugbølle. «Vive la grande famille des media tunisiens! Media reform and authoritarian resilience in Tunisia», Journal of North African Studies. Vol. 17, Num. 1 (2012), pp.97-112
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Rikke Haugbølle. «Will the real Tunisian opposition please stand up?! Opposition coordination failures under authoritarian constraints», British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. Vol. 38, Num. 3 (2011), pp.323-341
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Emanuela Dalmasso. «Political Islam in Morocco: negotiating the Kingdom’s liberal space», Contemporary Arab Affairs. Vol. 4, Num. 4 (2011), pp.484-500
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Michelle Pace. «The Post-Normative Turn in European Union (EU)-Middle East and North Africa (MENA) relations: An Introduction», European Foreign Affairs Review. Vol. 15, Num. 5 (2010), pp.581-588
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Arantza Gomez Arana. «The European Union’s critical engagement with the Syrian Arab Republic», European Foreign Affairs Review. Vol. 15, Num. 5 (2010), pp.629-644
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «The convergence of governance. Upgrading authoritarianism in the Arab world and downgrading democracy elsewhere?»,Middle East Critique. Vol. 19, Num. 3 (2010), pp. 217-232
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Emanuela Dalmasso. «Reforming the Family Code in Tunisia and Morocco ? The struggle between religion, globalisation and democracy», Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions Vol. 11, Num. 2 (2010), pp.195-210
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Erik Mohns. « »Yes, he can. » A reappraisal of Syrian foreign policy under Bashar al-Asad», Mediterranean Politics. Vol. 15, Num. 2 (2010), pp.289-298
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Hendrik Kraetzschmar. «Bullets over ballots: Islamist groups, the State and election violence in Egypt and Morocco», Democratization. Vol. 17, Num. 2 (2010), pp.326-349
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Robert Elgie. «The impact of semi-presidentialism on governance in the Palestinian Authority», Parliamentary Affairs. Vol. 63, Num. 1 (2010), pp. 22-40
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Emanuela Dalmasso. «Liberal outcomes through undemocratic means. The reform of the Code du Statut Personnel in Morocco», The Journal of Modern African Studies. Vol. 47, Num. 4 (2009), pp.487-506
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Vincent Durac. «Strengthening authoritarian rule through democracy promotion? Examining the paradox of the US and EU security strategies. The case of Tunisia», British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. Vol. 36, Num. 1 (2009), pp.3-19
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Vincent Durac. «The foreign policies of the EU and the US in North Africa. Converging or diverging dynamics?», Journal of North African Studies. Vol. 14, Num. 1, pp. 1-9, 2009
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «Divided they stand, divided they fail. Opposition politics in Morocco», Democratization. Vol. 16, Num. 1 (2009), pp. 137-156
- Cavatorta, Francesco, Peter Seeberg et Michelle Pace. «The EU’s Democratization Agenda in the Mediterranean: a Critical Inside-Out Approach», Democratization. Vol. 16, Num. 1 (2009), pp.3-19
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Azzam Elananza. «Political opposition in civil society. An analysis of the interactions of secular and religious associations in Algeria and Jordan», Government and Opposition. Vol. 43, Num. 4 (2008), pp.561-579
- Cavatorta, Francesco, Raj Chari, Sylvia Kritzinger et Arantza Gomez. «EU external policy-making: »realistically » dealing with authoritarianism? The case of Morocco», European Foreign Affairs Review. Vol. 13, Num. 3 (2008), pp.357-376
- Cavatorta, Francesco, «Civil society, democracy promotion and Islamism on the Southern shores of the Mediterranean», Mediterranean Politics. Vol. 13, Num. 1 (2008), pp.109-119
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Ben Tonra. «Normative Foundations in the EU Foreign, Security and Defence Policy. The Case of the Middle East Peace Process: A View from the Field», Contemporary Politics. Vol. 13, Num. 4 (2007), pp.347-361
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «Neither participation nor revolution. The strategy of the Jamiat al-Adl wal-Ihsan», Mediterranean Politics. Vol. 12, Num.3 (2007), pp.379-395
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «More than repression; strategies of regime survival. The significance of divide et impera in Morocco», Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Vol. 25, Num. 2 (2007), pp.187-203
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Frédéric Volpi. «Forgetting Democratization? Recasting power and authority in a plural Muslim world», Democratizatio. Vol. 13, Num. 3 (2006), pp.363-372
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «Civil Society, Islamism and Democratisation. The case of Morocco», The Journal of Modern African Studies. Vol. 44, Num. 2 (2006), pp.203-222
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «The International Context of Morocco’s stalled democratisation», Democratization. Vol. 12, Num. 4 (2005), pp.549-567
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «The War on Terror – Perspectives from Radical Islamic Groups», Irish Studies in International Affairs. Vol. 16, Num. 1 (2005), pp.35-50
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Eoin O’Malley. «Finding a party and losing some friends: Overcoming the weaknesses of the Prime Ministerial Figure in Italy», Contemporary Politics. Vol. 10, Num. 3 (2004), pp.271-286
- Cavatorta, Francesco, Sylvia Krtitzinger et Raj Chari. «Continuities and Change in Party Positions Towards Europe: An Examination of Italian Parties’ Euro-Manifestos», Journal of European Public Policy. Vol. 11, Num. 6 (2004), pp.954-974
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «Constructing an Open Model of Transitions. International Political Economy and the Failed Democratisation of North Africa», Journal of North African Studies. Vol. 9, Num. 2 (2004), pp.1-18
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Raj Chari. «The Iraq War: Killing Dreams of a Unified EU?», European Political Science (EPS). Vol. 3, Num. 1 (2003), pp.25-29
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «The Failed Liberalisation of Algeria and the International Context: a Legacy of Stable Authoritarianism», Journal of North African Studies. Vol. 7, Num. 4 (2002), pp.23-43
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Raj Chari. «Economic Actors? Political Activity in Overlap Issues: privatizations in Spain, France and Ireland and EU State Aid Control», West European Politics. Vol. 25 (Num). 4, 2002, pp.119-142
- Cavatorta, Francesco. «Geopolitical challenges to the success of democracy in North Africa: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco», Democratization Vol. 8. Num. 4 (2001), pp.175-194
- Cavatorta, Francesco.« The role of the Northern League in Transforming the Italian political system: from economic federalism to ethnic politics and back », Contemporary Politics. Vol. 7, Num.1 (2001), pp.27-40
Chapitres d’ouvrages collectifs :
- (with Alessandra Bonci) ‘The Maghreb Region: Waithood, the myth of youth bulges and the reality of frustrated aspirations’ in Achim Goerres and Peter Vanhuysse (eds.) Global Political Demography: the politics of population change, Palgrave, 2021.
- (with Pietro Marzo) ‘An exceptional context for a debate on international relations? Toward a synthetic approach to the study of the MENA’s international politics’ in Raymond Hinnebusch and Jasmine Gani (eds.) The Routledge Handbook to the Middle East and North African State and States System, London, Routledge, 2019.
- ‘Overcoming Exceptionalism – Party Politics and Voting Behavior in the Middle East and North Africa’ in Larbi Sadiki (ed.) Handbook of Middle East Politics: Interdisciplinary Inscriptions, London, Routledge, 2019.
- (with Pierre-Michel Turcotte) ‘The European Union and Syria: from constructive engagement to marginalization and back?’ in Raymond Hinnebusch and Adham Saouli (eds.) The War for Syria, London, Routledge, 2019.
- (with Pietro Marzo) ‘The demise of the Arab Strongman?’ in Shahram Akbardazeh (ed.) Handbook of the International Relations of the Middle East, London, Routledge 2019.
- (with Alessandra Bonci) ‘The politics of presidential term limits in Tunisia’ in Alex Baturoand Robert Elgie (eds.) The Politics of Presidential Term Limits, Oxford University Press, 2019.
- (with Fabio Merone) ‘Islamist parties and transformation in Tunisia and Morocco’ in Osama Abi-Mershad (ed.) Social Currents in North Africa, Hurst, 2018.
- ‘The Plurality of Tunisian Islamism: between Muslim democrats and Salafism’ in Paola Rivetti and Hendrik Kraetzschmar (eds.), Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention, Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
- (with Paola Rivetti) ‘Algeria’ in Indra Øverland (ed.), Public Brainpower: Civil society and natural resources management, Palgrave, 2018.
- Cavatorta, Francesco.« Historical/geopolitical turning points in the modern Mediterranean: Cold War, Post-Cold War and Arab Spring » dans Handbook of Mediterranean Politics, sous la direction de Gillespie, Richard et Frederic Volpi. Routledge, 2017
- Cavatorta, Francesco.« Conclusion » dans Global, Regional and Local Dimensions of Western Sahara’s Protracted Decolonization, sous la direction de Ojeda, Raquel, Irene Fernandez Molina et Victoria Veguilla. Palgrave, 2017
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Paola Rivetti.« Function of Political trust in authoritarian settings » dans Sonja Zmerli and Tom van der Meer (eds.), Handbook of Political Trust, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016.
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Paola Rivetti.« EU foreign policy and the Middle East » dans The SAGE handbook of European Foreign Policy, sous la direction de Jorgensen, Knud Erik, Aasne Kalland Aarstad, Edith Drieskens, Katie Laatikainen, et Ben Tonra. SAGE, 2015.
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Emanuela Dalmosso.« Islamist Women’s Leadership in Morocco »,dans Gender, Conservatism and Political Representation, sous la direction de Celis, Karen et Sarah Childs. Colchester, ECPR Press, 2014
- Cavatorta, Francesco et Rikke Hostrup Haugbølle.« Islamism in Tunisia before and after the Arab Spring » dans Popular Protest in the New Middle East, sous la direction de Knudsen, Are et Basem Hezbidi. Londres, IB Tauris, 2014.
(with Fabio Merone) “The rise of Salafism and the future of democratization” in Nouri Gana(ed.) The Making of the Tunisian Revolution: Contexts, Architects, Prospects, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2013.
(with Fabio Merone) “Political and social assessment of Tunisia pre and post ‘the Arab Spring’ in Rosita Di Peri and Raffaella Giordana (eds.) Revolution without Revolutions, Bologna, Emil, 2013.
(with Emanuela Dalmasso) “The emerging power of civil society? The human rights doctrine” in Bruce Maddy-Weitzmann and Daniel Zisenwine (eds.) Contemporary Morocco, London: Routledge, 2012.
“The Middle East and North Africa” in Jeff Haynes (ed.) The Handbook of Democratization, London, Routledge, 2011.
“International politics of the Middle East” in Ellen Lust (ed.) The Middle East, CQ Press, 2010.
(with Azzam Elananza), “Show me the money! The role of western funding for civil society organisations in Jordan and Lebanon” in Holger Albrecht (ed.) Political Opposition in the Middle East: contentious politics, authoritarianism and state-society relations, University of Florida Press, 2010.
“The Jamiat al-Adl wal-Ihsan: religion, political opposition and stalled democratisation in Morocco” in Jeff Haynes (ed.) Religion, citizenship, secularisation and democracy in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, London, ECPR/Routledge, 2009.
“North Africa and the Middle East” in Christian W. Haerpfer, Ronald Inglehart, Chris Welzeland Patrick Bernhagen (eds.) Democratization in a Globalised World, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009.
“Au front du vrai choc? Le conflit entre laïques et religieux en Israël et ses conséquences sur le dialogue des civilisations” in Lise Garon, Azzedine Mansour and El-Mostafa Chadli (eds.), L’Islam et l’Occident. Biopsies d’un dialogue, Quebec, Laval University Press, 2008.
“A Clash of Civilizations inside the MENA countries? Islamist versus Secular Civil Society and the failure of pro-democracy policies” in Wolfgang Zank (ed.) Clash or Cooperation of Civilizations? North Africa and the Middle East as Regions of Overlapping Identities and Integration Processes, Ashgate, 2008.
“The Role of Democratization in Reducing the Appeal of Extremist Groups in North Africa and the Middle East” in James Forest (ed.) Countering Terrorism and Insurgency in the 21st
Century. Combating the Sources and Facilitators, Praeger Security International, 2007. -
“The Algerian Independence Revolution” in Jim Defronzo (ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Modern Revolutions, Westview Press, 2006.
(with Nalini Persram and Shiera el Malik), “The Clash and ‘Civilisation’: Policy, populace and international legitimacy” in El-Mostafa Chadli et Lise Garon (eds.) Et puis vint le 11 septembre… Remise en question de l’hypothèse du choc des civilisations, Québec City, Laval University Press, June 2003.
Chercheur(se) principal(e) :
- Francesco Cavatorta (2021/2023). ‘The impact of interstate rivalries on national politics autocratization and democratization in the Arab world’ Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council – Developpement Savoir. Subvention: 74, 966 $ (Non Obtenue)
- Francesco Cavatorta (2020/2023), ‘The values and attitudes of members of Islamist parties in Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia’, Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Subvention : 163,741$
- « The role of transnational advocacy networks in Tunisian transition to democracy » (2017), Subvention, MITACS Inc., Bourse de recherche Mitacs Globalink
- « Épreuves d’État et épreuves de la Police en Tunisie » (2016), Subvention, MITACS Inc., Bourse de recherche Mitacs Globalink
- « Institut québécois des hautes études internationales (HEI) » (2014-2020), Subvention, Institutionnel – BDR, Institut d’études supérieures
- « Examine political parties in Tunisia (La modération des partis politiques islamistes) » (2014)
- « Examine the rise of Salafism in the wake of the Arab Awakening (Le Salafisme dans le monde arabe après le printemps arabe) » (2013-2014), Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Co-chercheur(se) :
- « To examine social and political transformations in the Arab world following the Arab Spring (Transformations politiques et sociales dans le monde arabe) » (2013-2016), European Union – FP 7
- « Two-day conference on geo-strategic developments in the Middle East and Africa » (2014), Conseil de recherche en science humaine, avec Prof. Marie Brossier
Chercheur(se) principal(e) :
- Francesco Cavatorta (2021) ‘Political Parties : dynamics of offer and demand on the Arab electoral market’, Durham University, UK, Juin. ON ZOOM
- Francesco Cavatorta (2021) ‘The success of the Tunisian transition to democracy?’, Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs, Boston University, Avril 3. ON ZOOM
- Francesco Cavatorta (2019) ‘Twenty years of reforms in Morocco : a view from below’, Middle East Studies Association, New Orleans, USA, November.
- Francesco Cavatorta (2019) ‘How do we agree on anything in this environment? The Tunisian media landscape and the transition to democracy. A view from Parliament’, King’s College London, September. ON ZOOM
- Francesco Cavatorta (2018) ‘Beyond elections : Tunisian democracy seven years on’, Middle East Studies Association, New Orleans, USA, November.
- Francesco Cavatorta (2018) ‘Revisiting political parties and voters in the Arab world’, University of Roskilde, Roskilde, Denmark, September 2018.
- Francesco Cavatorta (2018) ‘Can the last one out please switch the lights off? Survey data and migration in the Arab world’, Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, September 2018.
Axes de recherche au sein du Ciram
- Doctorat en science politique, Trinity College, Dublin (Irlande)
- Maîtrise en relations internationales, Syracuse University, Syracuse (États-Unis)
Champs de spécialisation
- Démocratisation et autoritarisme dans le monde arabe
- Partis politiques et mouvements islamistes
- Relations internationale du monde arabe
- Dynamiques de la société civile
Activités institutionnelles
- Introduction aux relations internationales (POL-1005), Université Laval, Québec (Canada)
- L’Islam politique dans le monde arabe (POL-2328), Université Laval, Québec (Canada)
- Analyse qualitative (POL-7003), Université Laval, Québec (Canada)
- Politique et conflits au Moyen-Orient (POL-7064), Université Laval, Québec (Canada)