Ian MacDonald
Sujet de thèse
The Transformation of Hezbollah : Lebanese Perspectives on Changes in the Organization since its Involvement in the Syrian Civil War
Article(s) :
- MacDonald, Ian « Blue Steel or the Steel Blues?: How Trump coddling his base over steel may create further economic and political insecurity » Theread, Week of February 28th, 2018
Axes de recherche au sein du Ciram
Champs de spécialisation
- Conflict in the Middle East
Intérêts de recherche
- The Syrian Civil War
- Lebanon
- Israel
- Palestine
Expériences de travail
Autre(s) :
- Teaching/Research Assistant, Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Laval University, Québec (Canada)
- Aboriginal Liaison Officer, BlackRock Oilfield Service Ltd.
- Field Intern, HERA (Her Equality, Rights, and Autonomy), Armenia and Georgia