Johanna Masse
Postdoctorante en science politique
School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin
Working paper(s):
- Masse, Johanna. « L’Indonésie en quête d’une émergence annoncée mais encore incertaine » (2015). Working Paper GERAC [en ligne] www.gerac.hei.ulaval.ca/sites/gerac.hei.ulaval.ca/files/johanna_masse.pdf
- “In the Eye of the Beholder: Recognizing the Breath of Women’s Participation in Violent Political Organizations and Beyond” (2019). Working Paper TSAS [online] https://www.tsas.ca/publications/in-the-eye-of-the-beholder-recognizing-the-breadth-of-womens- participation-in-violent-political-organizations-and-beyond/
- “L’Indonésie en quête d’une émergence annoncée mais encore incertaine” (2015). Working Paper GERAC [online] https://www.gerac.hei.ulaval.ca/sites/gerac.hei.ulaval.ca/files/johanna_masse.pdf
- Review Vaincre Al-Qaïda. Le défi d’Obama, Gilles VANDAL & Sami AOUN, Athéna Éditions, Outremont, 2014, 363p. (2015). Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 48, n° 1.
- Review Traité de relations internationales, de Thierry BALZACQ & Frédéric RAMEL, Les Presses Sciences Po, Paris, 2013, 1228p. (2015). Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 48, n° 3.
Invited Talks and Conference Presentations:
- Presentation on “Navigating gendered representations inside and outside the job: an analysis of military women’s experiences within Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)’s combat units,” Section: Gendering Security: Taking Stock and Generating Dialogue, European Consortium on Politics and Gender (ECPG), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Presentation on “Getting ‘in’ as an outsider: first-time experiences of positionality in the field,” 38th Qualitative Analysis Conference & Couch-Stone Symposium, Memorial University, St John, Canada.
- Presentation on “Lorsque les femmes prennent les armes… : féminité et violence politique à travers les âges,” Panel: Femmes hors normes, 89e Congrès de ACFAS [online], Université Laval, Canada.
- Presentation on “Between (national) liberation and (social) emancipation: Northern Ireland’s Republican women at the crossroads between nationalism and feminism during the Troubles (1968-1998),” Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) 2022 World Convention [online], New York, United States of America.
- Invited talk on “‘One of the boys?’ Social identity and gender performances of military women in the Canadian Armed Forces’ ground combat occupations,” CDSN 2022 Capstones Seminar, Carleton University, Canada.
- Invited talk on the topic of “Gender, Conflict and Security: Deconstructing Orientalism,” titled: “Leila, Wafa and Idris: the changing ‘face’ of Palestinian women’s activism,” Seminar organized by Pr Adib Benchérif, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada.
- Invited talk on the topic of “Realities of the Middle Eastern Conflict,” WIIS Queen’s [online], Queen’s University, Canada.
- Presentation on “The ‘I’ in Ethics: Learning from a First-Time Experience in the Field,” Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP), Speaker Series [online], Queen’s University, Canada.
- “Women’s Participation in Violent Political Organizations and Beyond,” TSAS Workshop [online] Carleton University, Canada.
- Presentation on “On the spatiality of a political awakening. Comparing women’s spaces of politization during Northern Ireland’s Troubles and Palestine’s Intifada,” European Consortium on Political Research (ECPR) – General Conference, Wroclaw University, Poland.
- Presentation on “Troubles de la mémoire et (dés)ordres de genre : les temps de la politisation des femmes républicaines lors des Troubles (1969-1999)”, 15th Annual conference of Association Française de Science Politique (AFSP), Science Po Bordeaux, France.
- Presentation on “Politiquement (in)correcte ? L’appréciation de la violence féminine,” 11th Annual Workshop of Women In International Security (WIIS), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Presentation on “Reevaluating Women Political Agency in Violent Setting:
Feminist Perspectives on Ethno-Nationalist Terrorism,” 7th Annual Conference of International Feminist Journal of Feminism, San Francisco University, United States. - Presentation on “Reevaluating Women Political Agency in Violent Setting. A
Comparison between Northern Ireland and Palestinian Women,” International conference on Biography and Violence. Violent Dynamics and Agency in Collective Processes and Individual Life Histories,” organized by Methoden-Zentrum Socialwissenschaften, Göttingen University, Göttingen, Germany. - Presentation on “Reevaluating Women Political Agency in Violent Setting. The NI Case,” 11th Annual International Conference on Terrorism, organized by Society for Terrorism Research, New York University, New York, United States.
- Presentation on “From Beliefs to Actions: What a Gendered Study of Violent
Radicalization Processes can Teach us,” European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG), organized by the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPG), Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. - Presentation on “Neither a Criminal nor a Victim: Irish Republican Women during the ‘Troubles,’” Israeli Society for Criminology Bi-Annual Meeting, organized by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Presentation on “Violence through the Gender Prism: The Importance of
(Re)politicizing Women Violence,” Association Francophone pour le Savoir
(ACFAS) congress, organized by ACFAS, McGill University, Montréal, Canada.
Conférence(s) :
- « Reevaluating Women Political Agency in Violent Setting. The NI Case », 11th Annual International Conference on Terrorism, organisé par la Society for Terrorism Research de la New York University, (États-Unis), 2017
- « From Beliefs to Actions: What a Gendered Study of Radicalization Can Teach Us? », à la 5e European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG), organisé à l’Université de Lausanne (Suisse), 2017
- « Neither Simply a Criminal nor a Victim: Irish Republican Women during the Troubles », à la Israeli Society for Criminology Bi-Annual Meeting, organisée par Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jérusalem (Israël), 2017
- « La violence à travers le prisme du genre : de l’importance d’une repolitisation de la violence des femmes », au 85e congrès de l’Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS), organisé par l’Université McGill, Québec (Canada), 2017
- « Femmes kamikazes : geste politique ou acte instrumentalisé », au XIIIe colloque de la recherche étudiante en science politique (CRESP) « Les modes d’existence du politique : État(s), Société(s), Individu(s) », organisé par l’Association des Politologues Étudiants de l’Université Laval (APEUL), Université Laval, Québec (Canada), 2013
Radio shows participation :
• Geneviève Pettersen, QUB radio, March 24, 2022 [online] https://podcasts.podinstall.com/qub-radiogenevieve-pettersen/202203242005-lintegrale-du-jeudi-24-mars.html
• Guillaume Dumas, “C’est encore mieux l’après-midi,” Radio Canada, March 8, 2022 [online] https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/c-est-encore-mieux-l-apresmidi/episodes/612149/rattrapage-du-mardi-8-mars-2022/7
Presse Articles :
• Roy, Marie-Pier. « La guerre et les viols sont depuis toujours associés », Journal du Québec, March 6, 2022 [online] https://www.journaldequebec.com/2022/03/06/la-guerre-et-les-viols-sont-depuistoujours-associes
• Milette-Gagnon, Alexandre. « L’écoterrorisme est-il un réel danger au Canada? », Radio-Canada, August 30, 2019 [online] https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1276862/ecoterrorisme-extremismeenvironnement-place-medias
• Ouellette, Henri. « De nouveaux enjeux de sécurité sur le campus ,» Impact Campus, September 13, 2016 [online] http://impactcampus.ca/actualites/27908/
Axes de recherche au sein du Ciram
Sujet(s) de spécialisation
- Gender
- Political violence
- Conflict
- Stereotypes
- Nationalism
- Military
- Armed Forces
- WPS.
Intérêt(s) de recherche
- Violence politique
- Genre
Expérience(s) de travail
Cours enseigné(s)
- Terrorisme (POL-2606), auxiliaire d’enseignement, Université Laval
- L’islam politique dans le Moyen-Orient (POL-2328), auxiliaire d’enseignement, Université Laval
- La Russie postsoviétique (POL-2300), auxiliaire d’enseignement, Université Laval
- Chine et Japon, Systèmes politiques comparés (POL-2316), auxiliaire d’enseignement, Université Laval
- Relations Internationales en Asie (POL-2305a), auxiliaire d’enseignement, Université Laval
- Assistante du directeur de la revue Études internationales
- Auxiliaire de recherche en Science Politique, Université Laval, Québec, sous la direction de Pr Aurélie Campana
- Centre for International & Defence Policy (CIDP) Postdoctoral Fellow Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. Under the supervision of Prof Stéfanie von Hlatky.
- Principal investigator of a research project titled: “Navigating Gendered Representations Inside and Outside the Job: An Analysis of Military Women’s Experiences Within Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)’s Combat Units.” The project involves in-depth interviews with active military members and veterans.
- Take part in the different activities organized by the CIDP, contributing as a speaker to CIDP and CDSN events, participating to Canada Research Chair Tier II on Gender, Security and the Armed Forces’ activities and biweekly meetings, etc.
- Projects coordinator of the Gender Lab.